Amore Creations

Amore Poses

Camping for a cure

To get started and start camping for a cure, talk with Jenny.Shackle
Dreamland Designs

Designs by Danielle




Little Amore Poses

Nestled in a dreamscape Little Armor Poses has poses for the whole family, from little to your nuclear four with arts and crafts that will have you entertained for days, this sweet store has it all.
Little Ones Events

Little Rascals


In world group (100L join fee): MOoH!
- Monthly gift
- Group exclusive items, sales and gifts
- Updates on sales, events and group discounts.
- Lucky Chairs
- A weekly 50% discount item
N3W M00N

You never know what will be created. It is all about where the moon directs us.
Notable ARt Gallery

Second Nature Jewellery

Second Nature is a high class jewelry store specialising in fine gems set in gold, silver and platinum. 100% mesh, superb gem textures - the most realistic diamonds in world. Multi piercing earrings for Lelutka, Catwa & Genus. Many group gifts, regular weekend sales and events. Discount room for group members.
Mad Cat Creations

All original custom mesh made by myself. I offer full perm mesh clothes for him and her. I also offer textured clothes made by myself for men and women.
<From my heart for your home> >
Beautiful items for home and garden. Group gifts. 75L group fee.items at affordable prices made with love.
autumn, fall, trees, gardens, small buildings, decor, animals, fountains, flowers,

Owned by Rowan Carroll her claim to fame is making a rather well known skirt of a certain shape, check out her creations below and you won't be disappointed.
Tea Lane

A charming blue tinted space with lots of potential just a hop n slip above the road on Second Life mainland, this gallery space has a lot to bring to SL in the future

Owned by Zorai Amethyst, she creates Mesh using VR, each object is sculpted to life by hand.
Wee Squidgits

Why Not

Why Not is owned by Phil & Alessia Setner. They create a superb range of furniture, decor and garden items to turn your SL into a real home. Custom texturing service available. Regular group gifts, giveaways and contests, weekend sales and events. Customer service is their priority.
!Body Expression!

☑ Kupra Bimbo, Khara, Kups, Original
☑ [ INITHIUM ] KARIO Flat, Flex, Fit
☑ E-Body Curvy, Reborn
☑ -Kalhene- ERIKA
☑ Maitreya Lara
☑ LeLutka LeL Evo X
☑ Catwa Pro